Better still, you have the choice to keep an embedded ad on your page or retain the current pop-up style. You make the call! If you find you don't like the way an embedded ad looks on your page, you can always switch back to the pop-up. After logging in, just visit the "My Account" page at: . Then, under the Advertising heading, click on "change ad type." Feel free to experiment and see what you like best.
Embedded ads will ensure that your site looks more professional, and may even reduce the loading time on your page. Visitors will also be more apt to stick around longer on your site, because they won't have to deal with closing or moving your pop-up ads. We're pleased to offer this additional option for your homepage, and we're confident that you'll be pleased with the change! It's another way for us to thank you for using Tripod.
The Tripod Team