/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Ceci n'est pas un mensonge
  (This is not a lie.) Resolution independent unilateralism. Vive le cadavre exquis!
Smartwar Superstation
  An artwork and information website dedicated to the idea of ending war. Find out about the relationship between the media and the war department.
Findhorn West Intentional Community
  A retirement community forming in far West Texas for other old hippies and peace-minded folk, using papercrete domes for inexpensive housing.
  $o how much doe$ it all co$t ?
Bush Sucks
  Agit prop against the war monger
Low Rider Press Stickers
  Silk screened bumper stickers such as "That didn't work - let's try peace." Peace and anti-war stickers as well as ones for outdoor lovers, feminists, and others!
Dave Gwyther
  Protest singer Dave Gwyther sings about the notions of freedom, war, terrorism and apartheid with the occasional tale of love and adventure.
POLLY for International Politics
  My Blog and Forum are aimed at stopping the Iraq war and all wars so that there is peace on earth.

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