/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Jealous Twin
  energetic and loud, a little cross, and occasionaly rude. i love my job but hate my boss and the whole of the NHS, i am colourful, and learning to drive.. have a cuppa and relax along with me....and my fruit loop of a blog thang.
  German Site about Politix, Peace and anti-Bush, with Parody and Satire, Fun-galery and more! Inclusive the
My Opinions are Politically Warped
  ღAir Force Spouse Who's Anti-War & Governmentღ You can be both & still love your countryღ
Rubble Records
  Punk rock against bush. My new comp complete with I hate bush cover.
dimos dimitriou
  still dreaming on ideas? oh! come on!!!!! stop it !!!
Coalition of the Willing
  Links (and some comments). Focus moves to earlier coalition between Iraq and her later enemies.
  The web space of Cell a group of Artists that are dedicated to the Anti war movement in New Zealand, includes street theatre, paintings, sculpture, sounds etc
The Case Against America
  Suggests several reasons why people around the world might be anti-American, lists US brands/companies to boycott, links to anti-war, anti-globalisation and fair trade websites.

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