Fran Smallson and G. Glenn Nash. "NAFTA's Nifty for Multimedia." Morph's Outpost
on the Digital Frontier, March 1994, p.10.
To flourish in today's global economy,
the multimedia industry must distribute its products both in the United States
and abroad. For many industries, and especially the multimedia industry, adequate
intellectual property protection is essential to the financial success of
international distribution. In this regard, 1993 qualifies as a watershed. The
year saw the conclusion of two critical international trade agreements--The North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade (GATT)--that will strengthen intellectual property protection. This month's
column will examine how NAFTA, which took effect in January 1994, will affect the
multimedia industry, and it will also highlight several issues concerning GATT.
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): The Standards of Protection
NAFTA is a multilateral trade agreement among the United States, Mexico, and
Canada that, among other things, provides for the strongest international
intellectual property protection ever negotiated. The intellectual property
provisions (Chapter 17 of the agreement) are sure to be used as a model in
negotiations with many other countries. NAFTA mandates minimum standards of
protection and requires each country to treat nationals of another country in a
manner that is no less favorable than that accorded its own nationals. In
general, this "national treatment" means that a multimedia product owned by a
U.S. national and distributed in Mexico and Canada will receive, at minimum, the
same degree of intellectual property protection in those countries as native
products. This guarantee, however, will not apply in all situations. For example,
one limited exception to NAFTA's national treatment standard allows countries to
limit performers' rights with respect to the public performance or broadcast of a
sound recording to those that they would enjoy in their own country, i.e.,
reciprocity instead of national treatment. More significantly, Canada has
reserved the right, through its "cultural industries" exemption, to derogate from
NAFTA's national treatment obligation as well as from other NAFTA obligation to
the extent that they affect cultural industries. Affected industries include the
music, film, sound recording, publishing, radio, television, cable, and satellite
industries. This exemption could spell trouble for the multimedia industry, which
draws on multiple content sources that may be considered "cultural." This issue
merits close attention by the multimedia industry. We will keep you posted on new
developments. Copyrights Piracy and other unauthorized copying or public
communication of works cause considerable losses for U.S. copyright industries.
NAFTA addresses this problem for copyright owners by guaranteeing them exclusive
rights similar to those provided under U.S. law. Multimedia developers will be
pleased by NAFTA's definition of computer programs as literary works. This
definition increases the scope of copyright protection for the software industry
in Mexico, where computer programs were previously not specifically defined as
literary works. NAFTA also provides copyright protection for databases and
significantly enhances protection for sound recordings by providing protection
similar to that afforded other copyrighted works. Furthermore, copyright owners
now have legal recourse to prohibit rental of computer programs and sound
recordings in both Canada and Mexico. Under NAFTA, copyright owners also now
enjoy complete freedom to transfer their rights. Moreover, NAFTA safeguards the
right of the transferee to enjoy all the benefits of the transferred rights,
including the right to collect royalties that would other wise be payable to the
party that originally held those rights. An important feature of NAFTA is that
new subject matter discovered through technological innovation and that qualifies
as original expression will automatically receive protection. This provision
takes account of the pace of continuing technological change in the multimedia
industry and obviates the need to amend NAFTA in the future to accommodate new
technologies. For multimedia producers, the concept of moral rights could be a
critical one. Some countries grant a copyright owner the right to maintain
certain degrees of control over a work even after it has been sold to another.
Such residual control may include the right to object to any distorting or
modification of the work. For multimedia developers who rely on digital
modification of works, this limitation could prove problematic. Fortunately,
NAFTA does not require recognition of these rights. Multimedia producers doing
business in other countries should be aware of the possible power of this right
and should check any given country's domestic laws with respect to moral rights
before distributing products there. Patents The current debate about Compton's
NewMedia patent underscores the relevance of patent law to multimedia
development, be it hardware or software. NAFTA requires that patents be available
for any inventions in all fields of technology so long as they are new,
nonobvious, and useful. The agreement provides patent protection for all
inventions for 20 years from the date of the filing of the patent or for 17 years
from the date of the patent grant. Trade Secrets One problem for multimedia
producers trying to conduct international business has been the lack of
protection for confidential information in some countries. Other countries place
limitation on how long proprietary information can remain confidential. This lack
of protection can frustrate software development and wreck strategic alliances
when the disclosure of confidential information is critical to the transaction.
NAFTA, however, affords such protection for trade secrets. Specifically, the
agreement requires each member country to provide legal means to prevent
unauthorized disclosure of trade secrets that are in a tangible form. Under
NAFTA, countries may not limit the duration of protection of trade secrets or
discourage or impede the voluntary licensing of trade secrets. This feature of
NAFTA, which is a first for any international agreement, should alleviate some of
the reluctance to do business because of lack of trade secrets protection.
Semiconductor Chips NAFTA also prohibits the copying of semiconductor circuit
layouts. This form of protection is important for the multimedia industry in
terms of, for example, game systems, in which programs are encoded in hard
circuits. Mexico, however, has until January 1998 to implement this prohibition.
Multimedia distributors should take note of this delay. The General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade (GATT) The successful conclusion of the GATT Uruguay Round of
trade negotiations in December 1993 points to the extension of many of the
intellectual property protections found in NAFTA. The GATT negotiations led to an
agreement on intellectual property rights--the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects
of Intellectual Property Rights, Including Trade in Counterfeit Goods ("TRIPS").
The provisions of TRIPS are for the most part similar to the intellectual
property provision of NAFTA. These similarities are by no means coincidental.
Both agreements are based on the so-called Dunkel Text, the treaty released by
the Uruguay Round of the GATT in December 1991. In some significant respects,
however, the intellectual property provision of GATT are weaker than those of
NAFTA. The national treatment obligation under NAFTA is stronger and more
straightforward than that under TRIPS. This difference has raised fears that
countries will allow derogations with respect to new technologies, which will
adversely affect U.S. rights holders. In addition, unlike NAFTA, GATT does not
explicitly grant complete freedom to copyright owners to transfer their rights.
Finally, dates of implementation vary. NAFTA took effect January 1 1994. Under
TRIPS, many countries have from one to 11 years to implement the intellectual
property provisions. Thus, many of the benefits will not be realized for years to
come. But on balance, 1993 was a landmark year for the international protection
of intellectual property rights. The multimedia industry, as it pushes the global
frontier, is bound to benefit from these changes. They reflect a concerted effort
to safeguard creative endeavors and open up new markets. Advances in this
industry will require the continued evolution of intellectual property rights at
the global level. Stay tuned for continued specific country updates as well as
reports on bilateral and multilateral developments. Fran Smallson and Glenn G.
Nash specialize in high technology and international law with the law firm of
Donahue, Gallagher, Woods & Wood, with offices in Oakland, San Francisco, Mill
Valley, and Walnut Creek, California. For additional information , contact Fran
Smallson at 415-381- 4161.