Hmmm...Andyman grok webby web! You are visiting the microprocessor used by world famous artist, Andy Deck.
The majority of the images referenced below were found on my walks to and from work, on the ground; which makes these animations a form of digital bricolage. This collection of images is not so much a protest against littering in America as it is an imitation of the look and feel of contemporary television. As commercial interests encroach on our conduits of information and learning, less and less room is left over for any messages other than advertising.
this stuff isn't currently linked due to disk space shortages.Click CLAK to download a Quicktime movie called Wild (254k).
Click COLORED WORDS to download a Quicktime movie called Hostess Ho-Morph (286k).
Click TO BE FREE to download a Quicktime movie called Ad Deco (286k).
Click Z-WORD to download a Quicktime movie called Best West (234k).
Click ON AND ABOVE to download a Quicktime movie called (137k).
Click HEREABOUTS to download a Quicktime movie called Debbie Land (195k).
Click THESE LETTERS to download a Quicktime movie called Chiclet (163k).
Click HERE to download a Quicktime movie called Shell Shock (163k).
Click IN AND OUT to download a Quicktime movie called Moneyspin (124k).
Click HERE AND NOW to download a Quicktime movie called Fall In Progress(364k).
Click IF YOU PLEASE to download a Quicktime movie called Visappall (234k).
Click WITH GUSTO to download a Quicktime movie called Budmovie (228k).
You've watched TV,
but have you perused PowerTV? Click THIS to download a Hypercard 2.1 front end INCLUDING ALL OF THESE movies called PowerTV (3.58 Mb).
Click THIS to download ONLY the Hypercard 2.1 interface for watching these movies called PowerTV (468k).
Here are some more movies
made by my students...
Click BUGGY! to download a Quicktime movie called Buggage (1Mb).
Click SKULLS! to download a Quicktime movie called 30 Sec. In My Apart. (1Mb).
More WWW Resources:
A virtual gallery that serves artists' work for free:
Left-of-center investigative journalism can be downloaded from:
Information on writing HTML documents for WWW can be obtained from: